Eat Your Sprouts and Microgreens!

I just posted a video where I shared my sprouts and microgreens garden in Puerto Rico with you. I love it! See how green and lush it is?! Putting all the diet labels aside (vegan, raw, etc.), no matter what kind of diet you are eating, everyone can benefit from eating more live foods. Right now, there is no better live food for your health and tastebuds than eating sprouts and microgreens.


Is there a difference between sprouts and microgreens?


Technically, yes, there is a difference between sprouts and microgreens, however people use the terms interchangeably. So let me give you the low down on what the difference are.


Sprouts are germinated seeds produced in water. You may have seen someone take seeds and beans like alfalfa or mung, place it in a jar with water for a few days, and VOILA you have sprouts. A very easy “gardening” project without the use of soil.


Microgreens, on the other hand, are the mini versions of vegetables, herbs, and other edible plants, grown in soil. The microgreen is the part of the plant that is eaten in the coteleydon growth stage — or when the first two leaves form. You’ll see in the video that I plant them in a little less than an inch of moist soil that allows them to grow to a couple of inches in a matter of days.


What are the benefits of sprouting and growing microgreens?


The nutritional benefits of eating sprouts and microgreens can vary depending upon the type of seeds you are using. Generally speaking, microgreens can have 4 to 40 times more concentrated nutrients than a fully mature plant. Not bad for such a small plant!


Besides the nutritional benefits, growing sprouts and microgreens are great are great for people who are short on space and money. In the video you will see my buckwheat and sunflower green trays. But feel free to use collards, parsley, bok choy, watercress, etc. I grow them in small planting trays so if you live in an urban environment with little to no space for planting a full garden, you can still plant your own microgreens indoors, on a porch, a window ledge, a fire escape… you get the idea! Anywhere you can steal a little bit of sunshine (or the light from a small light bulb) and you can have fresh greens any time of the year. No excuses!!!





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